Men play an important role in society and are often times the main breadwinner of the family in Chinese communities. However, men’s health problems have not always been adequately addressed. Records from the past twenty years show that the average expected lifespan of a male in Macau is 5 to 6 years less than that of a female. In addition, they also suffer from various kinds of chronic illnesses earlier and more often. This not only threatens the lifespan and quality of life of men in Macau, it also causes a considerable negative impact to families, as well as to the community and society as a whole.
Macau’s economy has grown rapidly in recent years and we believe that now is the time to start promoting “Men’s Health in Macau”. The health of a man represents the health of a family, as well as the health of an entire nation. We hope that, by promoting this website - which teaches men the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to strengthen disease prevention measures to decrease the mortality rate, as well as the risk of infection in men - we can popularize our bureau’s principle of “proper medical treatment through adequate prevention” and make it more effective.